Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia, January 22, 2018/ — The Chairperson of the African Union Commission (AUC), Moussa Faki Mahamat, strongly condemns the violence following demonstrations organized on 21 January 2018 in Kinshasa, and deplores the reported loss of life.

The Chairperson of the AUC encourages the Congolese stakeholders to fully honour the commitments entered into, on the 31st December 2016, in order to consolidate the gains made and deepen democracy in the country. He further stresses the importance of confidence-building measures and respect for fundamental rights and freedoms as guaranteed by the Constitution.

Furthermore, he reiterates the call for the proportionate use of force in the maintenance of law and order.

The Chairperson calls on all political actors to create a conducive environment for the conduct of free, transparent and fair elections on 23rd December 2018 and urges all concerned to ensure that the electoral calendar is strictly complied with.

The Chairperson reiterates that the AUC will continue to engage all the Congolese stakeholders to show restraint and promote dialogue in the interest of stability in the DRC.

The Commission will also continue to avail support towards the holding of peaceful and transparent elections and calls on the international community at large to provide the financial and logistical support in order to meet the timelines set by the Commission Électorale Nationale Indépendente (CENI).


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