Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

As Zimbabwe is yet to organize a general election where the citizens will vote for the new leaders, analysts have claimed that Joice Mujuru’s chances of winning are greatly high.

Joice Mujuru stands a presidential candidate in the forth coming elections under the People’s Rainbow Coalition Party (PRC).

Sikhumbuzo Ndiweni, the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) Vice president informed that if the military steps out of the forth coming general elections, they are optimistic that Ms. Mujuru, the once Vice President of State will win the presidency.

‘Mujuru will come first if there is no abuse of State machinery and resources to campaign for a factional ZANU-PF,’ Ndiweni said, adding that the media must be allowed to operate freely and international observers invited.

‘Without rigging, Mujuru and PRC will win Mashonaland East, Central and West. The other three competitors will split Harare, Bulawayo and other cities, with Mujuru in the lead, followed by Morgan Tsvangirai (MDC-T) and Emmerson Mnangagwa (Zanu PF) coming as the third,’ he predicted.

The PDP VP also informed that Mujuru’s win would give birth to a brand new Zimbabwe.

‘Now, after the loss, the army faction will blame Mnangagwa and condemn him to pension and take over, not realizing it will be the end of ZANU-PF. So this election, without fear or favor, is pregnant with a possibility of a Mujuru victory and birth of real Zimbabwe.’

Joice Mujuru too, was also reported saying that Zimbabwe needed to be free from Robert Mugabe and the whole ZANU-PF party as well, not just Mugabe as a person. She added that nothing has changed in the country since the 93 year old Mugabe ouster and Mnangagwa take over.

‘The slogan ‘Ngaende Ngaende’ (Mugabe Must Go) was not aimed at Robert Mugabe only, but at the entire regime. The whole regime and its system must all go. Nothing has changed politically, economically and even on dealing with issues of corruption,’ Mujuru said.














Reporter: Shamilah Namuddu


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