Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

After Emmerson Mnangagwa, the President of Zimbabwe, unveiled the generously lavished retirement package the government is expected to award the former President with, Zimbabwean populace reacted with anger and opposition parties too responded with very harsh criticism.

The Zimbabwe national have stated that it is outrageous that a man responsible for the country’s political and economical collapse of the whole nation, has up to the last minute been granted a chance to cream it more.

The people informed that, what Robert Mugabe milked form the country for the past 37 years he spent in power, is more than enough for the government to still add him some more.

‘There is a lot to be tackled in the country, many youths are still unemployed and some families go days without food. That money would have been used for a lot, not just on one person who exploited our country,’ said one of the citizens.

Obert Gutu, the MDC-T, opposition party spokesperson in an interview with the press, has called Mugabe’s retirement package “obscene”, and also criticized the President, Emmerson Mnangagwa for making such an announcement.

Mr. Gutu too, argued that Mr. Mugabe should not be given any benefit because he looted the nation’s resources during his time as President.

‘Mugabe’s exit package is actually obscene. How can an impoverished country like Zimbabwe grant such a hefty package to the former dictator, Robert Mugabe?’ Mr. Gutu wondered.

‘This is all about placating Mugabe and it’s not about protecting the interests of the majority of Zimbabweans. The feeding trough has been extended to Mugabe even in his forced retirement and to think Mugabe looted the country’s resources and externalized billions of United States dollars.’

Among what the former President is expected to receive from the government include;

  • Not less than six security personnel which can be increased by such number as might be determined by the Head of State and Government whenever and for such period as the need arise.
  • Two drivers, two private secretaries and two aide-de-camp officers or personnel assistance and two office attendants.
  • A fully-furnished office and a landline telephone and a cell phone, two computers and such other office equipment and materials as might be determined by the President.
  • A fully-furnished official residence at any place in Harare.
  • Housing allowance to be determined by the sitting President, or a single private residence acquired or constructed on his or her behalf at any place of his or her choice in Zimbabwe or payment of a lump sum equal to the value of the private residence.
  • Three domestic employees, two gardeners, two cooks and two waiters and two laundry persons
  • Allowance covering medical aid contributions for Mugabe, his or her spouse in this case Grace Mugabe and any dependent child.
  • A diplomatic passport, first class air and rail private travel within the country up to a maximum of four trips per year for him and Grace.
  • A sedan (Mercedes Benz S500 Series or an equivalent class of motor vehicle), one four-wheel drive station wagon or equivalent, and a pickup van. The vehicles will be replaced after every five years, with fuel costs settled by the Government.
  • Other benefits are entertainment allowance to be determined by the President and payment of utility bills such as water, electricity, telephone in respect of the office and official residence of the former President.
  • In the case of the official residence if the former President dies, his or her surviving spouse, or if there is no surviving spouse, his or her dependent child, must continue to be provided with suitable State residential accommodation until (i) in the case of a surviving spouse, the date on which he or she dies or remarries, or whichever occurs first and (ii) in the case of a dependent child, the date on which he or she dies or the date on which he or she attains the age of 21 years, whichever event occurs first.

Mr. Gutu also added that President Mnangagwa provided such a lavish retirement package for the former dictator, to prepare for his future as he will also expect to be given the same when he will retire.



















Correspondent: Shamilah Namuddu


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