Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Mehdi Karroubi has been labeled as Iran’s foremost opposition figurehead by the press. It is six years already since he was placed under house arrest by the government. All Karroubi’s calls for a public trail to ascertain his crime has fallen on deaf ears. Recently, he went on hunger strike to protest against the preoccupation of his home by security agents from the government.

According to a report on The Guardian, however, the reformist has ended his hunger strike ‘after government’s withdrawal on the security hostage. His wish, according to the report, to end the strike was not until ‘the government agreed to remove intelligence agents from his home.’

Even with the withdrawal of security operatives, The Guardian reports that ‘Karroubi’s demand to be tried for his supposed crimes appears no closer to being granted.’ The situation is really tormenting as the reformist has not ‘been charged with any offence since being placed under house arrest in 2011.’

According to Mohammad Hossein, son of the 79 year old nationalist, on the stoppage of the strike as being observed by his ailing father ‘told the reformist Jamaran website that Karroubi met the health minister, Hassan Ghazizadeh Hashemi, on Thursday, and secured promises that convinced him to end the hunger strike.

The only information available about the house arrest is the account as filed by The Guardian that: ‘Karroubi and a fellow reformist leader –Mir Hossein Mousavi were candidates in Iran’s disputed 2009 presidential election, which sparked months of mass protests over claims that the polls were rigged in favour of hardline incumbent Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.’

Karroubi’s wife, Fatemeh, according to The Guardian, ‘told Sahamnews earlier this week that his first demand was the removal of intelligence ministry agents and security cameras that had been recently installed inside their home.’ According to Fatemeh, as protested, the placement of the security persons and cameras “has no precedent before or after the (1979 Islamic) revolution in any house arrest”.

Karroubi’s wife summed up, calling the government to arrange for a public trial, adding that her family is not really expecting “a fair trial” as they are ready to accept whatever verdict will be decreed.










Correspondent: Ridwan A. Olayiwola


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