America condemns the breach of ceasefire in Mali
MALI- In a Press Statement as issued from the U.S. Department of State, by Heather Nauert, Department Spokesperson, America has condemned the violation of the 2015 Algiers Peace Accord as signed by the armed groups to ceasefire. According to the Department Spokesperson: “The United States condemns recurring violations of the ceasefire that have occurred in Mali between signatory armed groups to the 2015 Algiers Peace Accord.”
The Spokesperson ordered that the parties involved should embrace peace and avoid further hostility. He noted that there is need to respect human rights, emphasizing on respect for civilians and prisoners.
“We urge the parties to end hostilities immediately and to strictly comply with their obligations under international humanitarian law and to respect human rights, particularly with respect to civilians and prisoners.
“We are greatly disturbed at reports of reprisal killings of civilians and the discovery of unmarked grave sites in the areas of conflict.
“We welcome the inquiries led by the UN peacekeeping mission, the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA). If the allegations prove true, the perpetrators must be brought to justice.”
Also, in his statement, Heather Nauert lauded efforts that have been invested towards making peace by the parties, urging them to intensify efforts towards coming to terms with the pledge in the Algiers Peace Accord. America further reinstated her commitment in ensuring a united and peaceful Mali.
“We applaud efforts to bring the parties together to agree to a cessation of hostilities, and we deplore the parties’ failure to do so. We call on all parties to redouble their efforts to abide by the ceasefire and fully implement the Algiers Peace Accord.”
“The United States stands with the people of Mali as they work to build a country that is peaceful, prosperous, and united. The United States also supports the efforts of the Group of Five Sahel states (Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania, and Niger) in creating a Joint Force and undertaking other actions to address threats that destabilize Mali and other parts of the sub-region and make lasting peace that much more elusive.”