Ethiopia arrests senior government officials and businessmen over alleged corruption


Dr. Negeri Lencho, the Minister in charge of the Government Communication Affairs office says in a report that 34 senior government officials, business persons and middle men have been arrested by the Ethiopian authorities over allegations related to corruption.

Dr.Negeri on Tuesday, informed the press that the government had earlier on carried out a crack down on rent seekers, which had helped to track down the 34 alleged corrupt officials and business men.

Mr. Lencho also stated that the operation is likely to trap down more culprits and more arrests could be made in the next few days.

The arrested according to the Minister are from different governmental institutions and private sectors.

The senior government officials arrested are from Addis Ababa Roads Authority, the Ministry of finance and Economic Co-operation, the Ethiopian Sugar Corporation, the Federal Roads Authority among others.

Both the investors and their brokers were arrested over accusations of embezzling public funds, though there has been no official release to the identities of the individuals.

“Measures to trap down the corrupt ones had to be taken because the government holds the responsibility to promote good governance and ensure development with equity, helping to benefit all sectors of the society,” explained the Minister of Government Communications Affairs.

He further informed that the campaign will soon be extended to regional institutes in a bid to fight corruption in the country.










Reporter: Shamilah Namuddu

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