Between the age of 10 and 21 of any child in the world, there is the serious need for parents and guardians to set some blocks right. This is because whatever orientation and exposure a child garner at this stage is essentially a function of whatever he becomes. The internet over few decades now has been our second home where we connect, socialize learn and make things happen. Africa Digest is taking out time to look at three websites that every African child should surf as tool for personal development.
To start with, comes to mind. Larry Page and Sergey Brin have done an incredible thing with their introduction of Google. This is entire an exceptional gift to the world. If there is any child that will not benefit from this platform, then, there is virtually nothing that can be of benefit to such chap.
Goggle is both a search engine and a cloud computing system where storage of data can be made. For anyone who may need resource material on any subject matter, all that is needed is sitting down to keying in the right search words. Africa Digest hereby recommends African Child to be thought how to utilize Google for productivity.
Another website on the list is Scholarx. According to the platform’s background profile, is created to help African students home and abroad have access to scholarship opportunities. This is needful because of the challenge of the prevailing high cost that goes along with university system. With Scholarx, students can find scholarship opportunities that match their current status. This is therefore a free tool for every African child. So, everyone can harness and get ahead.
To seal the list is WikiHow –the home of life aid questions with thorough and well structured response. This is not limited to socials or leadership. Its resources spread virtually on every subject around life and development, whether management, politics, human relation or even religion. One intriguing thing about is their colourful and well animated/illustrated diagrams that come with every query search on their site. Their resources base is sufficient to teach a child how to do nearly anything.
Africa Digest is confident that these sites will help our readers get ahead and live a better life if they are tapped into. We believe that every African child deserves to be great and better in any endeavour they are committed to.