Sat. Jul 27th, 2024
Copy of 2010 INL Bureau Logo



The Manhattan District Attorney’s Office and the U.S. Department of State, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (INL) announced today that a Memorandum of Understanding was signed by District Attorney Cyrus R. Vance, Jr., and Ambassador William R. Brownfield, Assistant Secretary of State for INL, to provide training, mentoring, and advising to members of the international legal community.

“Crime-fighting in the 21st century requires collaboration, information-sharing, and the development of cross-border partnerships, from the creation of the Global Cyber Alliance to our ongoing partnership with the City of London Police,” said District Attorney Vance. “This agreement with INL will allow us to share the Office’s most successful strategies for combatting crime with legal personnel abroad, and learn from those entities about their challenges and successes.”

Assistant Secretary Brownfield said: “INL draws on the wealth of expertise of state and local justice sector partners to support the critical work of institution building across the globe. These partnerships add value for all parties: foreign governments gain access to new skill sets while domestic partners, such as the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, build operational relationships with foreign counterparts that have ties to their local communities. This mutual exchange advances our ultimate goal of a safer America.”

Under this new partnership, INL and the Manhattan District Attorney’s DANY Academy will provide training, mentoring, and advising to foreign prosecutors and other legal professionals on a variety of topics, such as corruption, white-collar crime, domestic violence, and cybercrime. This partnership will build upon the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office’s existing international assistance, which in recent years has hosted visits for government representatives from Brazil, Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, the People’s Republic of China, the Philippines, South Korea, Sweden, and the United Kingdom.

DANY Academy was created in 2015 to host events and specialized training by and for prosecutors and other legal practitioners. In addition to training programs, DANY Academy also serves as a facilitator for collaboration and innovation, bringing together leading specialists on diverse topics – from mental health issues to dispelling acquaintance rape myths – in order to produce and implement the most effective criminal justice policies.



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