1.  Neighborhood Peace: $500. Entitles  sponsors ads in a Peace December event of his/her choosing, ability to speak  and distribute promotional items at the event.
  2.  Borough Peace: $1000. Entitles sponsors borough-wide event ads in Peace December events of his/her choosing, ability to speak and distribute promotional items at events.
  3.  City Peace: $2500. Entitles sponsors city-wide Peace December event ads, business/organizations’ name on a borough light which will be lit throughout the month of December, and ability to speak and distribute promotional items at events.
  4.  State Peace: $5000. Entitles sponsors state-wide Peace December event ads, business/organizations’ name on a borough light which will be lit throughout the month of December, full page color black/white or half page color in local paper.
  5.  Regional Peace: $10,000. Entitles sponsors Peace December regional event ads, business/organization advertisement website banner displayed for one year, full page color ad in
    local paper, ability to speak and distribute promotional items at events.
  6.  National Peace: $20,000. Entitles sponsors names on all borough lights which will be displayed throughout the month of December, business/organization advertisement website banners in 2 websites will be displayed for a year, nation-wide event ads, full page color ads for 6 months in local paper ,and ability to speak and
    distribute promotional items at events.
  7.  International Peace: $40,000. Entitles sponsors ads in all Peace December events, names on all borough lights which will be lit throughout the month of December, online video ads, business/organization website banners in 2 websites that will be displayed for two years, full page color ads in our local paper that will be
    displayed for one year and production of promotional items (pins, posters, etc).


To sponsor, please contact us at:




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