South Sudan peace talks resume today
The second phase of the IGAD-led South Sudan peace process has resumed in Addis Ababa.
The second session of Phase II of the South Sudan peace process that adjourned on 3 March has resumed today following the arrival of all the parties in Addis Ababa.
The IGAD Special Envoys are in consultation with the Parties on the conduct of a political dialogue towards national reconciliation and healing.
Meanwhile, in line with the Cessation of Hostilities Agreement of 23rd January 2014 and pertinent Implementation Modalities that were signed by the parties, consultations among IGAD Special Envoys, regional leaders, the African Union, the United Nations and friends of South Sudan are underway on the speedy operationalization of the Monitoring and Verification Mechanism (MVM) and deployment of Monitoring and Verification Teams (MVTs) as well as the
MVM’s Protection Force (PF).
The IGAD Special Envoys remain gravely concerned about continued fighting in South Sudan,and the flagrant breach of the cessation of hostilities agreement by the parties. In this regard,the Envoys reiterate their call on the signatory parties to immediately adhere to the cessation of hostilities agreement and fully cooperate with the Joint Technical Committee (JTC) for the speedy operationalization of the MVM. The Special Envoys also urge members of the international community to put pressure on both Parties to stop the war.
In light of the grave humanitarian concerns on the ground and requests made by aid agencies in South Sudan, the Envoys call on the Parties to ensure free access to humanitarian services to affected citizens; and urge them to honor their commitment of opening up relief corridors across the country.