Sat. Jul 27th, 2024


By Godfrey Olukya 1-8-2013

Many countries, including USA have today congratulated Benin on herĀ 53rd independence anniversary.

The USA secretary of State, John Kerry in the congratulatory messageĀ he sent to Benin government said, ”On behalf of President Obama andĀ the people of the United States, I congratulate the people of Benin asĀ you celebrate the 53rd anniversary of your nation’s independence onĀ August 1.

The United States and Benin share a friendship based on commonĀ interests and values. Since the 1990s, Benin has held multiple free
and fair elections, cementing its role as a democratic leader in WestĀ Africa.

We look forward to deepening our partnership to promote goodĀ governance and economic development, regional stability, and the
empowerment of vulnerable populations. On this special day, the UnitedĀ States wishes the Government and people of Benin a festive celebrationĀ and a peaceful, prosperous future.

In Benin, celebrations to mark the day were held in all the towns inĀ the country where, apart from parades mounted by the forces, peopleĀ feasted and danced.



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