Ministry of Culture launches national plan to preserve cultural heritage assets

The Ministry of Culture has initiated a comprehensive national plan aimed at safeguarding the diverse cultural heritage assets within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. This significant undertaking, housed within the Saudi Cultural Memory Center, encompasses the collection, documentation, archiving, and management of cultural elements crucial to the nation’s identity.
Central to the initiative is the preservation of Saudi culture’s rich tapestry, with a focus on building a collective memory that celebrates the nation’s heritage. The plan involves conducting a thorough survey to catalog both tangible and intangible treasures, laying the groundwork for a robust national identity.
Under the auspices of the Saudi Cultural Memory Center, efforts are underway to craft a cohesive national strategy. This roadmap will delineate protocols for the identification, documentation, preservation, and dissemination of cultural heritage assets, consolidating ongoing initiatives and fostering greater public engagement.
Collaboration lies at the heart of this endeavor, as the Ministry of Culture collaborates closely with stakeholders from within and beyond the cultural sphere. Through workshops and engagement with local communities across the Kingdom, diverse perspectives are integrated into the preservation efforts, fostering a sense of collective ownership.
Established in February 2021, the Saudi Cultural Memory Center serves as the focal point for preserving, archiving, and managing the Kingdom’s cultural heritage. Its mandate extends to crafting archival strategies, managing digital repositories, and bolstering the cultural heritage sector’s capacity.
This initiative aligns with the Ministry of Culture’s broader mission to curate digital cultural content and serve as a repository of knowledge for Saudi cultural heritage. By laying the groundwork for future generations, these efforts ensure that the Kingdom’s cultural legacy not only endures but thrives in the digital age.