Nigeria: NASFAT holds 19th annual youth week


Youthwing Lagos Zone 1 of Nasrul-lahi-l-Fathi Society (NASFAT) has organised one-week youth camp for its members.

This year’s programme which began on Tuesday 24 December 2019, is holding at Tanzeel Schools situated on Valley View Estate, Igbogbo Ikorodu, Lagos State.

Session for the singles

The programme is partitioned into different sessions with lots of interesting lectures, dawah, athletic activities, married and single sessions, empowerment programme, drama, etc…

The year’s theme: “The Lead Advantage”, is aimed at addressing issues affecting the members, tackling some challenges confronting them and spiritually empowering them for a divinely guided lifestyle.

Session for the couples

According to the zonal coordinator, Alhaji M.B Ali, “This year’s programme will address marital issues as a factor that guarantees a perfect society.” “And to perfectly raise a peaceful and egalitarian society, the home plays a significant role.

That is the essence of the single and married sessions. A peaceful home is a peaceful society,” he added.

He further advised that the participants tailor their lifestyles in line with the teachings of Islam, stressing that the level of immorality being witnessed in our society is frightening.

Participants at the programme

During the session for the married people, the lecturer, Imam Halliy Atunrase, addressed all the problems married men and women encounter at home and suggested the best way to tackle these problems, making references to verses in the holy Qur’an and impeccable lifestyles of prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).

Sisters at the programme

The session organised for the singles revolved round issues bothering on premarital life and factors that can promote a happy home.

According to the lecturer, Khaleefat N.Balogun, “The single ladies and guys need adequate preparation before entering the institution called marriage, so that they would not become a liability to each other, their family and society.”

Lecturer: Imam Isiaq Folohunso Faagba

The lecturer also noted the roles of parents in the moral upbringing of a child. He implored the gathering to make the holy Qur’an their manual to raise a total child.

At the session on lucrative job opportunities, the lecturer, Dr.Sheriff Adekoya, noted that everyone was endowed with different skills and talents.

He advised participants to identify their skills in order to improve themselves and get lucrative jobs.

“You don’t have to depend on anybody except God. He has blessed everyone with skills and talents to live independently. All you need do is to identify your skill and work on it,” he added.

Sporting exercise at the programme

Athletic activities at the programme are an early morning exercise aimed at energising the participants.

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