Second Half of Peace December 2016


Dear Peace December family:


As we blissfully enter the second half of Peace December this year, we would like to express our profound honor and privilege to be part of your lives and plans for making our communities and nations places where all residents can peacefully coexist regardless of race, religion, gender or socioeconomic status.

For those of you who have already been making noticeable progress towards your mission and still committed to ending the Peace Month with more people recruited into your respective chapters, we say “THANK YOU” for serving your lives’ purposes.

For those of you who have inspired the opening of other local and international chapters, ‘THANK YOU’ for leading and inspiring a change of reality, from divisive attitude to peace, love and neighborliness mindset. Needless to say, your leadership and commitment to peaceful coexistence in your towns will prevent potential religious, ethnic, political and socioeconomic conflicts common to many of our nations, particularly the less developed ones.

And to those of you who are still on the sidelines checking us out and debating whether to join the family or hesitating our movement’s sustainability, we understand how you feel and will always ready to welcome you into the family when you ready. Our movement is here to stay for as long as crime and violence continue to affect any member of our human family anywhere on earth. We are committed to a peaceful coexistence and the prevention of all forms of violence, hate, biases, oppression, conflicts, genocides and wars.

Our preventive model is to require all Peace December chapter leaderships to be reflective of their local demographics. Chapter boards are religious, ethnic, political and gender neutral and must consist of representatives from the ethnic, religious, gender and socioeconomic make up of their respective localities, so that they can be easily deployed to prevent percolating local and/or national conflict without biases toward any group.

It is our world. We can make it a paradise for all or a living hell for all. It’s all up to us. May God continue to strengthen our will to resist forms of evil and divisiveness! Happy Peace December 2016 to all! #peacedecember #peacefulcoexistence #notojunglejustice #notomobjustice #werefusetoyieldtoevil


P.S. Please help edit, rewrite or approve and circulate. Thank you!


Peace December Headquarters,

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