Dear Bronx Elected Officials:

Thank you for reading and accepting our proposal to you. As you may be aware of, on December 1st last year, we had launched two programs in the Bronx, namely The Peace County and We Refuse To Yield To Evil.  We anticipated to get the cooperation and assistance of all Bronxites in implementing these public safety hashtag slogans.  As political leader in the Bronx, we truly appreciate your leadership concerning our commitment to transforming our county into an economic and public safety hub, because Bronx has all the components of an ideal investors’ dream borough.

As a former investment banker, I can testify to the fact that investors’ primary goal is the safety of invested principal in safe environment. Therefore if we want to attract more socially responsible investments, we have to work together to deny criminals refuge anywhere in the Bronx.  In so doing, would also increase equities for all property owners and entrepreneurs.

Please invite us to your offices for CPPO presentations. We do not ask for or receive money from any elected official. We’re totally independent public safety leaders serving our beloved county, The Peace County. God bless! #cppo #werefusetoyieldtoevil


Sheikh Musa Drammeh

Community Peace Patrol Officers


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