Saudi Arabia, Iran pledge commitment to Beijing agreement


Saudi Arabia and Iran have jointly reaffirmed their unwavering commitment to the Beijing Agreement during the inaugural session of the Saudi-Chinese-Iranian Tripartite Committee in Beijing.

Chaired by Deng Li, the Chinese Deputy Foreign Minister, the meeting saw the participation of high-ranking officials, including Waleed Al-Khereiji, Deputy Foreign Minister of Saudi Arabia, and Dr. Ali Bagheri Kani, Deputy Foreign Minister of Iran.

The committee extensively reviewed the positive strides made in the bilateral relationship between Saudi Arabia and Iran since the signing of the Beijing Agreement in March, brokered by China. Key highlights include the reestablishment of embassies in Riyadh and Tehran, reciprocal visits and meetings between the foreign ministers of both nations. China’s instrumental role in facilitating these diplomatic advancements was duly acknowledged by both Saudi Arabia and Iran during the meeting.

China, represented by the Deputy Foreign Minister Deng Li, expressed its commitment to sustaining a constructive role, offering continued support to Saudi and Iranian initiatives aimed at strengthening their relations. The tripartite discussions delved into various dimensions of cooperation between the three nations.

In addition to addressing bilateral matters, the committee voiced shared concerns over the ongoing situation in the Gaza Strip, identifying it as a significant threat to regional and global peace. Emphasizing the urgency of an immediate cessation of military operations in Gaza, the participants advocated for sustainable relief measures for civilians and condemned the forced displacement of Palestinians. They collectively asserted that any future arrangements regarding Palestine should reflect the genuine will of the Palestinian people, recognizing their right to establish an independent state and determine their own destiny.

The commitment to further collaboration was solidified as the three parties announced their decision to continue the meetings of the tripartite committee. The next scheduled session is set to take place in June 2024 in Saudi Arabia, following a gracious invitation extended by the Kingdom. This ongoing dialogue marks a significant step toward fostering stability and cooperation in the region.

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