Mayor Eric Adams launches new mediation program for domestic workers, employers


New York City Mayor Eric Adams, New York City Department of Consumer and Employee Protection (DCWP) Commissioner Vilda Vera Mayuga and Office of the Commissioner Trials and Administrative Hearings (OATH), Asim Rahman have announced the launch of the city’s nearly A new domestic worker mediation program designed to help 18,000 domestic workers and their employers resolve workplace issues in a respectful, confidential and open manner without the need to go to court.

An earlier DCWP report found that more than half of the city’s domestic workers, most of whom are immigrants and women of color, reported wage theft, sick and protected leave violations, harassment, discrimination and fear of retaliation from their employees. has experienced. Employers if they report illegal behavior.

Benefiting both workers and employers, arbitration is voluntary and available to resolve workplace issues related to unpaid wages and overtime, violations of paid sick and protected leave, and retaliation.

“Household workers perform vital work every day to care for our loved ones, often for low pay and minimal workplace protections, and as blue-collar mayor, I am committed to uplifting all workers in my city, especially immigrants and women who power many of our vital service industries,” said Mayor Adams. “Through this new mediation program, we will empower these workers to resolve disputes with their employers and Will ensure that they get the same protections enjoyed by workers in other industries. Thank you to the teams at DCWP and OATH for helping us launch this new program and support workers in our city.”

This program builds on Mayor Adams’ commitment to ensure that New York City domestic workers—those who work directly for a private household, such as a house cleaner, nanny, or other care provider—get the support they need. and the resources they need to thrive.

Deputy Mayor for Economic and Labor Development Maria Torres-Springer said, “Domestic workers, who are primarily immigrants and women of color, perform essential work providing care and support for our loved ones, and they deserve fair treatment. Huh.” “Through our new domestic worker mediation programme, we will ensure that care workers and their employers can resolve disputes without resorting to costly litigation, ensure access to basic protections in the workplace and recovery support Can do. Best in our town.”

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