24 killed in the recent Hindu’s attack on Muslim protesters in Delhi


Protest against the new Indian citizenship law has transformed into a religious struggle as Muslims and Hindi are fighting with each other.

The violence which first broke out on Sunday regarding the controversial citizenship law has left at least 24 people dead including Muslims and Hindus.

Hindus attack Muslims especially in the Muslim-populated neighborhoods in northeast Delhi.

On Tuesday, Hindus set fire on a mosque and attacked Muslims withdeadly weapons such as iron bars, rocks and pickaxes.

Shahid Alvi and Rahul Solanki are just very examples of those who had died in the violence.

Shahid Alvi was an auto ricksaw driver who suffered and died from a bullet injury. Rahul Solanki was said to have been shot when trying to escape the mob.

“He had gone out to buy groceries when he was suddenly surrounded. Rahul Solanki’s brother said.

He also said his brother was shot at “a point blank range” and that they got turned away at every hospital they had taken him to.

People are blaming police for turning a blind eye to the Hindus attack on Muslims.

However, MS Randhawa , Delhi police spokesman said that the situation was under control and there was “sufficient number of policemen” to handle the situation.

In contrary to the statement, Arvind Kejriwal, who is the newly re-elected Delhi Minister, earlier said that there had not been enough number of police on the street to effectively contain the violence.

“There are not enough police on the streets. Local police are saying they are not getting orders from above to control the situation,” he said.

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