Delhi police attack, molest Muslim protesters


Policemen from Delhi, India have attacked students for protesting a Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and National Register of Citizens (NRC).

Reports had it that policemen attacked the protesters with sticks and rods. Eventually, the maltreatment caused the protesters severe injuries.

One of the injured students said, “We had barely reached the Holy Family Hospital when we found police standing in three layers.”

“They were wearing steel gears, carrying flash rods, sticks and more. They beat us with shoes, flash rods and also kicked us in the stomach,” he added.

Mujibillah Sawan, another injured student decried the action of the police.

“A senior officer threatened me that he would tear me apart. I told him to do whatever he wanted, but I won’t be scared. Policemen also commented on my beard and questioned my patriotism,” he said.

The protesters who included hundreds of Jamia Millia students and residents of nearby areas were stopped and battered by the police for taking out a march to parliament against the CAA and NRC.

The Delhi police have however denied the allegations. They said they never used force against the protesters.

South East DCP RP Meena said, “All allegations leveled against us are untrue.”

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