ZANU PF Women’s League calls for the arrest of Prof Moyo, Kasukuwere and Grace Mugabe


The Zimbabwe ruling ZANU-PF Women’s league that was once led by Grace Mugabe, the Zimbabwe former First Lady, has on Sunday 24, asked the President, Emmerson Mnangagwa to look further into the people that committed crimes in the country during Mugabe’s rule, and pleaded they should pay for their acts.

The Women’s League called on the Government of Zimbabwe and the police for the extradition of embattled former Cabinet Ministers, Professor Jonathan Moyo and Mr. Saviour Kasukuwere to face prosecution for the crimes they committed in the country, during their time in office.

Speaking at a ceremony while congratulating President Emmerson Mnangagwa on his victory and appointment as the ZANU-PF First Secretary and President, Mabel Chinomona, the ZANU-PF Secretary for Women Affairs said that while they hailed the new political dispensation that paved way for, and saw in a new Government, there was a need for those who committed crimes in the country to face prosecution and bring closure to their cases.

‘Cde President, as the Women’s League we are congratulating you on your elevation. Your elevation has marked the dawn of a new era in Zimbabwe. The People are now hopeful and very happy with this move. We know that with you, the future is brighter for the nation,’ Mabel Chinamosa said at the ceremony.

‘Nevertheless, as the Women’s League we call on the Government and the police to work with their international and regional counterparts to repatriate Professor Jonathan Moyo and Saviour Kasukuwere,’ the Secretary for Women Affairs said.

‘They need to answer to the crimes they committed here, Professor Moyo is busy boasting on twitter while we all know the crimes he committed this side, they should be arrested,’ she added.

However, the two, Jonathan Moyo, the former Higher and Tertiary Education, Science and Technology Development Minister, and Saviour Kasukuwere, the former Local Government, Public Works and National Housing Minister, are both currently out of the country on a self imposed exile.

Sources have described their disappearance as ‘fear of prosecution’ from back in Zimbabwe, for their crimes.

The Women’s League also called for the arrest of Grace Mugabe, the former First Lady, whom they accuse of also engaging in acts of corruption with Moyo and Kasukuwere, using her matrimonial authority and privilege.

Adding to why Grace Mugabe should be prosecuted, Chinomona said the First Lady had turned the Women’s League into her own organization where she could do as she pleased, at the same time abusing power and engaging in a number of corrupt activities.

‘She must also be prosecuted for all her misdeeds, actually truth be told, this G40 cabal was abusing their powers and they should be prosecuted,’ said the Secretary for Women Affairs.

Professor Moyo, Mr Kasukuwere and Ms Mugabe were leading members of the G40 cabal that had surrounded the former President, Robert Mugabe, taking advantage of his advanced age to engage in criminal activities – sources claim.
















Reporter: Shamilah Namuddu

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