Dear friends, Muslims and fair-minded non-Muslims.

Greetings! Peace.

By the grace of Allah (SW) we’re honored to inform you that Muslim Community Report Newspaper is now available to all residents of the tri state community and if you need your copy sent to you weekly, please email us your mailing address to:

The reality is that Muslims and Muslim-linked issues have dominated and shall continue to dominate (for good and evil) the global media contents, law enforcement trainings, international intelligentsia reports and academic curricula, yet almost all the information are coming from and being authenticated by non-Muslim and often times anti-Muslim sources. Would any of you rely on information from ignorant people or worse yet your enemy?

We are building a global media network that focuses on, among other areas, accurate, fair and informative contents about the Muslim world and we’re happily welcome journalists, writers and interns onboard.

To be able to differentiate facts from viral fictions about Muslims and their religious beliefs, you need to get Muslim Community Report Newspaper. #mcr #mcrn #muslimmediacorp #muslimmedia

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