Dear fellow earth residents:


In the spirit of Peace December and the thankful ending of 2016, our Movement couldn’t wait to put this barbaric year in the history books to join all other heinous crimes against our universe by evil humans, men.  We’ve witnessed and experienced some of the worst slaughtering of our fellow human beings, the rampant destruction of precious resources and the beastly desecrations of hallow grounds and holy sites this year.

In 2016, we’ve allowed the savage beheadings of innocent families by extremists, continued genocides in many nations, greedy developed nations’ antichrist lobbyists-guided military massacres of innocence living in naturally resourceful and strategical nations, and the satanic global increase in finance and production of men-eliminating arms and weapons of world-ender.

So, if we allow such evil and self-destructive reality to spill over into 2017, then we deserve all the mass casualties and precious resource destructions that are guaranteed to befall us. We must unite in 2017 and firmly stand our peaceful resistance grounds to these demonic self-destruct attitudes. “We Refuse To Yield To Evil.”

In 2017 and beyond we need more peace-loving media leaders on our side since they can make our campaign more successful or another failed humanitarian endeavor.

If you love life and liberty, join our ‘Peaceful Coexistence’ movement that continues to use all available peaceful tools in resisting amoral lobbyists’ global conflicts for their insatiable control of others’ resources and destiny.  We don’t care how beautiful they continue to package their conflict-for-profit lies, we aren’t buying them anymore. We need peaceful coexistence! We’re through with massacres! Happy Peace December! #peacedecember #peacefulcoexistence #notoevillobbyists #notoprofitconflicts

You’re all cordially invited to our next ‘Meeting of Peaceful Minds’ that will take place during our December ‘Peacemakers Dinner’ on Friday, December 16, 2016, 6:30-9:30 PM. This final meeting will be our most powerful strategic gathering as we conclude the year and plan for the next. “Those who love peace must learn to organize as effectively as those who love war.” ― Martin Luther King Jr.

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