Dear humans


Are you comfortable living at a time when an assassination of a young, beautiful and aspirant singer can take place with deafening silence?

Are you comfortable living at a time when one person can freely walked to any venue and spray bullets from military assault weapons on innocent celebrants and took 48 precious young lives away?

Are you comfortable living at a time when over 40 individuals get shot in Chicago and other cities and still life goes on as usual?

Are you comfortable living at a time when a group of young men, average age of 16, have the ability to slaughter masses of people, enslaved women and terrorizes several nations?

Are you comfortable living at a time when weapons of mass destructions’ manufacturers managed your elected officials through their blood thirsty lobbyists?

Are you comfortable living at a time when everybody (because of media spotlight) shows emotional reactions to predictable, expected, frequent, consistent and normalized part mass slaughtering of innocent families in any place and time, and continue on their lives as usual when cameras fade to black?

We, at peace December movement, aren’t comfortable waiting for the inevitable. We prevent them. We don’t react, we pre-act. We don’t make excuses, we take the lead. We don’t blame, we take personal responsibilities. We don’t donate to charities (mainly run by Madison Avenue Marketers) after the fact, we invest necessary resources knowing the fact.

Join us to bring sense, security, safety, dignity, peace and harmony back in our world. Violent crimes aren’t inevitable. They are committed by individuals we know, love and sheltered.  The lives, fortune and honor of people (all people) are protected sacred. #peacefulcoexistence. #iammycommunity #cppo #cball #peacedecember #thepeacecounty

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