Voices of the Peaceful Majority



“Voices of the Peaceful Majority”



This nonsense is personal. Most taxpayers like me work so hard but our earnings aren’t enough to pay for our basic monthly obligations, go on vacations and provide adequately for our families. On top of that, most of us dedicate our free times volunteering for non profits providing a better environment for all. So to make the matters worst, the war-mongering Washington and corruption-plagued Albany (Under the dictates of morally-bankrupt lobbyists) have squandered our national treasuries in endless wars and political corruptions.

Against this backdrop, as a patriot, I’m planning to recruit individuals who share my frustrations to launch a political clothing line so we can make enough money to pay our tax liabilities so our government can pay the interest on foreigners’ Moon-bound Treasury holdings.

Please reach out to me if you are interested in being a shareholder to “Washingstan Albacino” clothing line. If we can’t beat the lobbyists, we must join them in profiting from our patriotism and capitalism.  Voices of the peaceful majority promoting peace from angels!

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