December to December Platform for Peaceful Minds and Peacemakers.







Sixth Annual Peace December

December to December Platform for Peaceful Minds and Peacemakers.



Mission Statement


Organization History

Adopt-A-Friend, Inc. is a non-profit, community development organization organized in 2004 in the Bronx.

The saying: “It cost less to be friends” was one of the driving forces behind the creation of Adopt-A-Friend. Sheikh Musa Drammeh has often-times been quoted saying: “It is our belief that people all over the world are good by nature and most [of] us are doing good things for our societies, however the media’s polarizing of actions of the minority within overshadow the majority’s natural good deeds”.

Because of the daily saturation of this unfair and divisive mechanism in otherwise peaceful communities, we decided to form Adopt-A-Friend to counteract [this] by promoting the natural goodness in us. We believe that friendly communal interactions would remove ignorance about each other and create a more productive atmosphere for all.”

To address the many needs of the community, Adopt-A-Friend launched many programs, including mentoring and counseling; varied family services beginning with a weekly Tea-Out-Stress event, to foster social get-togethers and mutual support; New York Peace Coalition (Peace December); 12 Public Days “Peace, Participation & Prosperity”; Adopt-A-Success™, a program including book reading and an investment club; Trees-For-Humanity™; Emergency Family Member™; Public Emergency Management Adherence™ (PEMA) – a youth oriented anti-riot training; the Urban Educational Foundation™ – an after school program; Community Outreach; End Illiteracy Now; Social services and Fiscal Conduit Services.

And after more than ten (10) years of services being provided by Adopt-A-Friend, in 2013, it spearheaded the Community Peace Patrol Officers (CPPO) program and although there had been marked improvements in Parkchester and the Bronx as a whole in recent years, many areas in the Bronx remain as some of the poorest communities in New York City and a multitude of social ills still prevail.

To address many of the ills of the community, CPPO gathered community volunteers committed to making their neighborhoods safe, habitable and conducive to business success. CPPO consisted of men and women of all ages committed to joining their neighbors to patrol areas that were susceptible to crimes, violence and juvenile delinquency.

The ultimate goal of CPPO was to create a safer neighborhood for our families, and cultivate an environment that is conducive to positive growth for our children and local businesses.

We stand on the belief that together, we can all contribute our knowledge, skills and other resources to make a huge impact on crime, juvenile delinquency and many other issues that adversely affect us all.

The New York Peace Coalition’s Mission is to create and promote various programs of peace and non-violence from December to December.

This initiative was born out of the need to lower the crime and violence that takes place in New York City every year and to herald a call for peace, respect and responsibility.

With proclamations from the governor, the mayor and series of endorsements from elected officials, government agencies, clergy and community leaders, the momentum to celebrate December as a peace month and to galvanizing diverse communities from across our globe to partner in the process.

The New York Peace Coalition (NYPeaceC) partnership is an embodiment of governmental and nongovernmental organizations and initiatives that include Adopt-A-Friend, the United Nations, the New York Center for Conflict Dialogue, African Union Day Foundation, Islamic Leadership School, the NYC Mayor’s Office, Bronx District Attorney, NYS State Senator Ruth Hassell- Thompson, Anti -Defamation League, Kuki Ndiho Rwanda Orphans Support Project, DYCD, NYC Parks and JCRC-Cause-NY, Islamic Cultural Center of North America, BronxNet TV, Daniel Michael Majestic Community, International Women’s Peace Group, Heavenly World Peace Legion (HWPL), World Alliance of Religion’s Peace (WARP) ,and other national/international Chapters of Peace December.

The NYPeaceC has a multitude of programs which are currently in practice. Community Peace Patrol (CPPO), Interfaith Living Museum (youth program), Music Peace Marathon, Domestic Violence, and other social wellness programs are blooming self-respect and enriching our communities. Our headquarters houses the only place in the world where Jews and Muslims worship under the same roof. Through heightening awareness and education, NYPeaceC continues to develop venues for expression.

In our first Music Peace Marathon, Peace December provided a platform for “Artist Against Violence” with a six (6) hour live broadcast on BronxNet TV. In partnership with DMM Inc., Peace December will promote our message through live concert tours.


Executive Summary: 

The New York Peace Coalition in partnership with Daniel Michael Majestic Inc., and the Enchanted Phase Peace / Peace December Tour are producing a series of thirty-one concerts throughout the USA.

DMMC development plan as it will be projected, is a ten (10) year business plan partnered with the New York Peace Coalition. A percentage of the proceeds from the tour will be redirected into the NYPeaceC’s initiatives as well as the renovation of our Peace Headquarters in the Bronx, N.Y.

PD has created a venue for the voice of the people to be shared. We believe in standing for peace through our innate talents, we strengthen our future. Adopt-a-Friend/NYPeaceC are a non-partisan, multi-generational movement to initiate, educate, and live in peace.

Participant of the 2015 Peace December, Music Peace Marathon will have first consideration in the 2016.


Why December?

December is the month of the winter solstice. Nights are long, and between the increased darkness and the changing social patterns that ensue from the December holidays, many communities experience increased incidents of violence, larceny, and hate crime. Communities have traditions of bringing light to this darker time of year: candles are lit for Kwanzaa and Hanukkah, trees are decorated with lights for Christmas, and fireplaces are enjoyed by all. Peace December is our way of shining a more proverbial light into the darkness of winter by creating programming aimed directly at combatting the darkness within our society.  Instead of the darkness of violence, hatred and intolerance, we hope to promote the light of peace, respect, and diversity.

Declaring December a Peace Month will not only reduce violence, but create a communal sense of responsibility to focus our minds on programs that lead to peace. It is an excellent way to enter a new year.


Peace December Program Outlines: 

(i)              Community Joint Collaborative Programs– District Attorney’s Offices, the law enforcement community agencies, families and community leaders will choose a day within December on which the residents will surrender their illegal guns and other weapons without questions asked. The modalities and implications will be discussed prior to the events.

(ii)            Peaceful Roses/Flowers– Renewal of vows by couples, families and committed individuals during Peace December strengthen bonds, rejuvenate relationships, protect family values, and prevent juvenile delinquencies. It is highly recommended for families to have Peace December dinners, whereby members ask forgiveness from each other, couples exchange sentiments and employers celebrate harmony day.

(iii)          Peace Patrol- Mentors, leaders, educators, politicians, Law enforcement, volunteers, and others, set a day (s) to spend mentoring time with the youth and those susceptible to committing crimes.

(iv)           Peace Shopping- We encourage all consumers to avoid buying tools of violence, including bomb making materials, nuclear/ biological weapons, illegal firearms, hate-promoting materials, violent toys and gadgets.

(v)             Media & Entertainment Peace-Media programming, we encourage consumers to choose movies, live shows, entertainments, and sports activities that recognize peace.

(vi)          Diplomatic Diaspora Peace– Peace December is recognized by the United Nations since 2013. Our UN permanent representatives hold forums and events during December that is dedicated to promote a peaceful coexistence, and pave ways for international dialogue.

(vii)        Story-Sharing for Peace- Crime victims share stories of survival, pain, abuse, injustice, actions, feelings, forgiveness, and forward-planning. Perpetrators have an opportunity to express remorse, repent, repair and ask for genuine forgiveness. This act promotes healing and closure to a crime.

(viii)       Preservation of Nature and Animal Life- Advocates for animals and organizations such as local zoos and the “Environmental Protection Agency”, are encouraged to host/partner a series of activities to raise awareness on easing human cruelty towards animals, and preserving the environment.

(ix)          Peacemakers Directory, Peace December is a Peace Platform where peacemakers big and small, organization or individual, can connect their organizations, programs and services for greater global exposures.

(x)            Peacemakers Conventions, we facilitate conventions/summits for peacemakers to network, collaborate and create partnerships in areas of overlapping programs and services.

(xi)         Peaceful Youth Council, through its Peace Education Act (PEA), Peace December collaborates with schools, governments, community centers, NGOs, law enforcements and others to develop successful youth-oriented programs.


(xii)       Disaster Relief and Community Development– Groups can also focus on global disasters such as the Tsunami, Haiti Earthquake, Hurricane Katrina and other catastrophes that have called for peaceful coalitions to solve environmental problems.


(xiii)      Peace Advocacy- During December, we encourage citizens to engage their elected officials in sponsoring sensible bills, despite special interest group lobbying to the contrary. Legislators must work with and allocate funds for peace and nonviolence programs in their localities.


(xiv)       Peace December Chapters– Individuals and organizations are encouraged to open Peace December chapters worldwide.



Peace December Lighting Ceremony is held every November 30th to welcome the arrival of the month of peace. Peace December Calendars of events are distributed on this day.


The day is filled with peace scene, messages, entertainment and interactions among diverse residents of the community where the celebration is held. BronxNet Television, Peace December Media Partner, will carry the event live. Peace December Lights are switched on by special invited guest at 4:30 PM as the Sun is setting.


Objectives of the Lighting Celebration


i)                    Enhance strategic awareness in violent crime reductions.

ii)                  Promote peace and reduce homicides and domestic violence cases.

iii)                Inspire inter agency and inter community coalitions that will cross fertilize ideas in the quest to eradicate crime in the city.

iv)                Foster the voice of faith based houses in crime reduction.

v)                  Facilitate experience sharing experiences from families and communities.

vi)                Clergies of all faith to dedicate all their sermons in December to Peace & nonviolence.

vii)              Public and Private Schools in New York to observe a Peace Day in December.

viii)            To promote public lighting of Peace December lights in homes, businesses, houses of worship, political offices, United Nations, OIC, EU,  AU Headquarters and others…


Peace in Schools:


Proposed Bill to install peace awareness day in New York Public Schools.

Pursuant to the momentum that the Peace December initiative has generated, the New York Peace Coalition, through our elected official proposes a Bill to install a peace awareness day in the New York Public Schools.


Activity Plans and General Requests. 

During this day, we ask businesses, academics and people of goodwill to partner with the New York State and City legislative processes to assume conversations in creating endowments and funds through which teachers and parents will spend time in enriching students and the community during



Peace December participation promotes avenues for youth to express themselves in creative ways. This freedom allows youth to release tension, build communication skills, and discover personal strengths. Current Events, Social Studies and History As they become a leaders of our community.

The Pioneer Program is a tool to identify the needs, and design a comprehensive curriculum to combat depression, violence, and hopelessness.


“Peace Lights”



To standardize on a recognizable “visual brand” for the NY Peace Coalition and the principles for which it stands. To create a piece that could promote and, otherwise, have a direct association with Peace and Non-violence and instill a feeling of peacefulness within the environments in which it is shown:

To raise the awareness of the New York Peace Coalition as a world-leader in the efforts of promoting peace.

To provide a consistent visual means to help associated worldwide organizations propagate the message of peace and non-violence and any other objectives of the organizations.

Envisioned Use of Peace Lights:

NY Peace Coalition, acting as a leader, works with the related organizations in various locations and countries around the world to gain their support and buy-in for the idea of a standardized “visual” that complements all activities. It is envisioned that Peace Lights would be displayed at all events, meetings, and in any other ways that relate to the objectives of the organizations.

Similarly, with the leadership of the NY Peace Coalition, the UN could be prompted to adopt Peace Lights as a symbol of their worldwide efforts for peace efforts and events. This would be highly consistent and in line with the “International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies”.


Fund Raising Potential

Peace Lights can be incorporated into numerous products for sale. These include everything from kitchen magnets (with or without the Peace December logo), to digital picture frames that have the Peace Lights integrated, to clothing (e.g., hats, shirts, smocks, etc.).

Publicity Potential

Peace Lights projected on the UN or other large buildings as part of the Midnight Moment in Times Square

–                Nightly event performances in 2015 are dedicated to the UN Year of Light. From December to December.


2015 Events:

  • Awards Ceremony
  • International Peace Table
  • Peace Clergy Breakfast

o       All Denominations

  • Auditions, 3 Events

o       Peace Music Jamm

o       Peace Comedy Jamm

o       Peace Dance Jamm

  •  Peace December Lighting Ceremony Monday, November 30, 2015
  • Music Peace Marathon, Live on BronxNet TV and Cybercast




2006 Westchester Avenue, Bronx, New York 10462.

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