19th Annual Muslim Day Parade Adds Controversy


On Sunday, September 14, the large and diverse community of Muslims came together to march down Madison Ave for the 29th Annual Muslim Day Parade.

The NYPD band led the way with its jubilant sound as Muslim NYPD officers followed behind them all the way to Madison Square park from 38th street. Many Islamic schools participated and the Girl Scouts of America New Jersey chapter showed their “Muslim Girl Pride” in their troop attire and hijab. With all the positive organizations walking in solidarity in the name of Islam negativity sought to overshadow it.

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The most jarring statement was made with the mannequin of a woman with a noose around her neck dressed in the Egyptian flag and a man dressed in army fatigue clothing riding on the back of a truck. The women in yellow trailing the truck represented Egypt causing some people to react in anger.

Overall, the parade was a family friendly event ending with halal food and other vendors for the community to enjoy. A stage for the discussion of Islam by several members of the community was set at the far end of the street. The conversation was surrounded around many issues affecting Muslims in New York City, America, and worldwide such as Eid holidays, voting, and being a community of peace.

“ISIS doesn’t represent Islam or all Muslim. We represent the work of peace,” said one speaker. Pride for their religion and principles continued to be reiterated throughout the day as family and friends celebrated together in the city park on the beautiful fall day.

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