Fund for food security in Africa kicks off

By Godfrey Olukya  25-2013
African countries have started responding towards a call to donate towards Africa Solidarity Trust fund, which is meant to ensure food
security for Africa.

The first country to respond has been Equatorial Guinea which today donated $30 million to the new solidarity trust fund.

Several other wealthy African countries have promised to donate towards the noble cause. A good number of African poor countries are expected to benefit from the fund.

The first donation to the Africa Solidarity Trust Fund was made official in a ceremony at the margins of the third Africa-South
America Summit in Malabo, attended by FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva.

Meeting with the President of Equatorial Guinea, Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, before the signature of the donation agreement, Graziano da Silva said that the contribution was a sign of the country’s commitment to eradicating hunger in Africa.

FAO Regional Representative in Africa, Maria Helena Semedo, who signed the agreement on behalf of FAO, added,’This generous contribution by Equatorial Guinea helps transform political will to end hunger into concrete action. I invite others to follow this example and lend their financial support as well.’

The goal of the new trust fund is to pool resources from Africa’s strongest economies and use them across the continent to support
national and regional food security initiatives aimed at eradicating hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition.


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