South Sudan is to modernize her city



By Godfrey Olukya   31-12-2012

The government of South Sudan is to soon embark on modernizing her city Juba to international standard.

According to the country’s director general for physical infrastructure, Emmanuel Matayo Wani  the activity of modernizing the city will be embarked on early next year(2013)

as part of the programme, next year the ministry off physical infrastructure is to launch an operation to crack down on all unsafe and unlicensed buildings in Juba.

South Sudan which attained her independence last year after over 20 years of civil war, had most of her infrastructure and buildings destroyed during the war. The country’s city, Juba was in a sorry state after the war and people who returned when peace was achieved started constructing unplanned structures which are not safe.

Wani said that operation will include checking of building permits, inspection of the quality of construction work and the general planning of the National Capital.

He said, ‘We are going to control land use in the city. We want Juba to look like other big cities all over the world. We are also going to zone the city such that if that particular area is allocated for housing, it must be for housing. If it is for market area, Industry, Workshop or any other thing, it must be for that purpose.’

One of the residents in Juba said,’ It is good that the government is to soon start planning for the city. Juba currently is just a big slum.’


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