Zimbabwe’s president declares Monday a holiday



By Godfrey OIukya  20-12-2012

Zimbabweans are happy over the country’s president Robert Mugabe declaring that Monday, December 24th 2012 will be a public holiday.

Most Zimbabwean claim  that they are in for a long Christmas holiday after Mugabe today declared Monday, December 24 as a public holiday.

‘I am excited about not working on Monday next week.’ said Norman Chilwa, 45, a public worker in Harare.’President  Mugabe has realized that we need to move to our villages and celebrate Christmas with our relatives . We appreciate his foresight.’

A statement issued by  the Ministry of Home Affairs said that president Mugabe  declared the public holiday in terms of section 2 (2) of the Public Holidays and Prohibition of Business Act which empowers him to do so.

According to statement, the declaration of Monday as a public holiday means most companies will close for the Christmas break tomorrow.

‘It is likely that the whole of next week will be a public holiday’ said Anne Neli an administrator in Harare. ‘I do not expect workers to return to places of work until after 1st January 2012.


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