Democratic republic of Congo hit by Ebola



By Godfrey Olukya 29-10-2012

Democratic republic of Congo (DRC) has been hit by deadly Ebola hemorrhagic fever.

According to DRC’s ministry of health, so far 12 people have died from the disease. Over 35 cases have so far been reported of which 35 have been confirmed by laboratory tests.

A medical officer in DRC, Mwembe Lisolo said,’ The disease has been reported in Isiro and Viadana health zones in Haut-Uélé district in
Province Orientale. People there are now very scared and have stopped moving from one place to the other.’

The Ministry of Health has said that it is working with local health authorities and international partners in active surveillance, tracing
of contacts of probable and confirmed cases, infection prevention and control in health care settings, management of patients in health care facilities, logistics, social mobilization, provision of psychosocial support and conducting anthropological analysis to support the control of the outbreak.

Surveillance activities are being strengthened in Isiro and neighbouring areas, including Bedhe and Nakwapongo.

In Isiro, health care workers are being trained on basic infection prevention and control in health care settings. Through the Global
Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN), a field laboratory has been set up by the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC).

Social mobilization activities are being carried out in schools and churches in Isiro, Rungu and Ngosaku to provide information on
protection against the Ebola virus and to discuss concerns of the local population.


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