Automated Hand Washing Enforcement System

Hygienic Assurance System for monitoring the hand washing of an individual. US 8344893 B1
Automated Hand Washing Enforcement System.
Executive Summary.
The Automated Hand Washing Enforcement System is designed to save thousands of lives and billions of dollars across the United States, people who are affected by food borne illnesses every year. According to the document produced by the New York City Department of Health; “Public Recognition and Use of Grades. Trends in Restaurant Sanitary Conditions and Food-borne illness”; the Department of Health is requiring restaurants throughout New York City to post letter grades summarizing their sanitary inspection scores to help achieve three goals: to inform the public about a restaurant’s inspection results in a simple, accessible way; to improve sanitary conditions and food safety practices in restaurants; and to reduce illnesses associated with dining out. This report summarizes progress toward these goals. (Addendum A)
According to this document, New Yorkers eat at restaurants nearly a billion times each and during those times, 6000 New Yorkers are hospitalized and 20 000 visit emergency rooms each year because of food borne illness. This of course is due to the absence of systems aimed at checking sanitary conditions and hand washing. The department of health has employed grading mechanisms where restaurants are required to post their grades so that consumers or customers can make right choices.
In order to complement the New York City Health Department’s effort to grade restaurants, Sheikh Moussa Drammeh designed an Automated Hand Washing Enforcement System that will be required to be installed in the premises to reinforce hand washing.  (Addendum B.)
It envisioned that with the Automated Hand Washing Enforcement System, New York City will save millions of dollars that are lost in man hours due to the number of people that get sick due to food borne illness, restaurants will save money lost in law suits and the department of health will enhance their existing grading efficiency by having their presence on any eating premises through an Automated Hand Washing Enforcement System.
In the same way that technology keeps revolutionizing diverse scopes of work, the Automated Hand Washing Enforcement System will foster a technological revolution in a way that will save lives, money and add value to the Health and Safety policies in the work place.
If one saves a life, it is as he saves the entire mankind…
For more information, please contact our counsel at:
Law Firm of Omar T. MohammadiLLC
233 Broadway, Suite 801, Woolworth Building.
New York, NY 10279
HT Holding Corp.
2006 Westchester Avenue,
Bronx, NY 10462


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