Ebola Scare in Africa


Health workers, wearing head-to-toe protective gear, prepare for work, outside an isolation unit in Foya District, Lofa County in this handout photo


The dreaded ebola disease which is currently in some west African countries has led to a severe scare all over Africa.

Currently most of the international airports in Africa are screening those arriving there from west Africa to ensure that they do not carry the disease.

Ebola is a highly contagious disease with a high fatality rate. It is spread through direct physical contact with body fluids such as saliva, blood, stool, vomit, urine, and sweat from infected person as well as soiled material used by a patient.

Last week, someone from west Africa was suspected to be with ebola in Kenya. The nationals became so scared that they started blaming government for not screening those coming to the country.

However, the Kenyans got relief when it was established that the man was not suffering from ebola.

Ebola outbreak in west Africa started in January in Guinea but later it spread to Liberia and Sierra Leone. Recently, it has been reported that it has also hit Nigeria. The latest official death toll is 932 and 1711 cases have been confirmed.

World Health Organization (WHO) is doing all it can to ensure that the spreading of the disease is contained. It has sent experts, drugs and other necessary materials  to the affected countries.

The organization has also requested countries which have ever been attacked by the disease to come to the rescue of west Africans. One such country which has responded positively is Uganda.

Uganda has been twice hit by the ebola disease. It was there in the 1990’s and early 2000’s and it killed over ninety people. However, the country’s ministry of health managed to contain the disease so that it did not cause much havoc.

A team of 20 Ugandan health workers including eight doctors have flown to Sierra Leone and Liberia, led Dr. Jackson Amone who played a big role in containing the disease when it hit the country.

“A team of Ugandan medical workers has left for Liberia and Sierra Leone to help in containing ebola,” said Uganda’s official, David Kibuula. “The team comprises of some health workers who helped in containing the disease when it hit our country,” he added.

Among those infected by the disease in west Africa are two Americans who were living in Liberia. They have been flown to USA for treatment.

A Spanish air force plane reportedly left for Liberia yesterday to fly home a 75 year old Spanish missionary infected with ebola. He is the first patient to be returned to Europe.

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