Man names his dog Gaddafi, survives being lynched



By Godfrey Olukya   15-10-201

A 40 year old man in Uganda who named his dog Muammar Gaddafi survived being lynched by a mob.

He has escaped from his home after a group of Muslim youths attacked him. Much of his property has been destroyed.

Kika Sajjabi, a resident of Sembabule district, 260 kms west of the country’s capital Kampala recently had a quarrel with his Muslim neighbor, Abdu Kityo. They reportedly had a land wrangle which led to the quarrel.

Sajjabi knew that his neighbor had much love for the late Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi and had even named one of his sons after him. He  bought a puppy and named it Muammar Gaddafi.

Whenever he would return home from drinking sprees he would call the dog Gaddafi for the neighbor and all villagers to hear.

At last Friday ‘Juma prayers, the area Imam, shiek Yusof Sonko condemned Sajjabi’s calling his dog Gaddafi. He requested those who know him to warn him against the act .

However, Sajjabi continued calling his dog Gaddafi which annoyed the Muslims the more. They vowed to teach him a lesson.

Today, a group of Muslim youths attacked his home. He had reportedly been tipped about the attack by  a colleague and he managed to escaped with his dog. However most of his property has been  destroyed.

‘He is lucky that we did not catch him’ said Abubaker Muyaga, one of the youths who attacked Sajjabi’s  home.’The late  Gaddafi was a darling of Ugandans. He did for us a lot. He constructed Gaddafi mosque in Kampala, one of the biggest in Africa. He started a bank for businessmen. We can not accept anyone to under-look him although he is already dead.’


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