Contact: Jason Fuhrman

(201) 638-6530


Statement From State Senator Jose Peralta,

Lead Sponsor of The NYS DREAM Act,

On Governor Cuomo’s Inclusion of the DREAM Act in his 2015 Opportunity Agenda


“In my mind, no true Opportunity Agenda would be complete without the New York State DREAM Act, which would level the playing field for access to higher education and empower a new generation of tax payers and job creators.

“And our Governor clearly agrees.

“So I take great pride in saying today, thank you, Mr. Governor.  Thank you for stating unequivocally that passing the DREAM Act is a top priority for your 2015 Agenda.

“Today I voted no on an Education Investment Tax Credit bill that is also a priority of the Governor’s and which news reports have linked to the DREAM Act.

“However, the two proposals do not exist in a vacuum.

“My understanding is that Governor Cuomo will be including both in his proposed Education, Labor and Family Assistance (“ELFA”) budget bill along with many other proposals.

“Like every year, the ELFA bill will be negotiated over the next two months, and all legislators will be asked to vote their consciences on the totality of the final bill.

“But for now, I want to express my sincere gratitude to Governor Cuomo for taking the lead on making this DREAM a reality in 2015.

“Passing the DREAM Act will send a clear message that New York is still a place that values hard work, a place that is willing to do what it takes to grow its middle class and solidify its economic future.

“It will not only provide hope and opportunity to thousands of hard-working young New Yorkers, but also create jobs, boost future tax revenue, and give our state the kind of diverse, educated, multi-talented workforce we will need to compete in tomorrow’s economy.

“In football terms, Governor Cuomo has just put the ball in the red zone and its first down and goal to go. Now it’s up to every New Yorker who believes in equality, who thinks hard work should be rewarded, who wants to see New York continue to thrive in this young century, to do their part to push the DREAM Act over the goal line.

“Over the next two months, we must do everything in our power to make sure the DREAM Act is included in the final enacted budget. These hard working young New Yorkers have done everything we could ask of them, and they deserve an opportunity to live their dreams”




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