Sudan recalls ambassador from Chad over allegations of supporting RSF


Sudan has recalled its ambassador to Chad, Osman Mohamed Younis, over escalating tensions concerning border control and alleged Chadian support for the Rapid Support Forces (RSF).

Relations between the two nations have deteriorated following accusations from the Sudanese government that Chadian authorities are facilitating the external supply of military provisions to the RSF through channels near the border.

These accusations aren’t new. In November and December last year, the Assistant Commander of the Sudanese army, Yasir Al-Atta, publicly accused N’Djamena of opening its territory for the UAE weapons and ammunition to the RSF, which has been locked in conflict with the Sudanese army since mid-April 2023.

A government insider revealed to Sudan Tribune that Chad is actively aiding the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) by opening its borders for UAE supplies and facilitating the movement of RSF commander and recruited foreign fighters.

The source further alleged, “Chad is complicit in meddling in Sudanese affairs by using its territory as a conduit for RSF supplies. All Emirati aid to the militia is channelled through Chad, and Sudan has presented evidence to support this claim.”

Additionally, a diplomatic source confirmed to Sudan Tribune on Thursday that Sudan had formally submitted a detailed report to the Chadian government concerning border security.

 However, the lack of response from Chadian authorities has prompted the recall of the ambassador for further consultation.

“Sudan’s concerns fell on deaf ears,” the diplomatic source lamented. “Despite repeated diplomatic overtures, Chad failed to address our concerns regarding border security. This inaction necessitated the recall of our ambassador.” The ambassador is expected to return to Chad next week following necessary discussions.

This diplomatic row is not the first between the two nations. In December, Chad expelled four Sudanese diplomats over accusations of interference in their domestic conflict. Sudan reciprocated by expelling three Chadian diplomats.

Furthermore, last March, Sudan’s permanent representative to the United Nations, Al-Harith Idris, accused Chad of becoming the primary supply line for the RSF, providing weapons, supplies, and mercenaries to fuel the ongoing conflict in Sudan.

This latest development further exacerbates the already strained relations between Sudan and Chad, casting a shadow over regional stability amidst the ongoing conflict.

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