Saudi Arabia achieves WHO certification for trans fat elimination


The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, through the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA), has successfully obtained the World Health Organization (WHO) Validation Certificate for eliminating trans fats. This accolade places Saudi Arabia among the pioneering five nations globally to receive such recognition.

Aligned with the objectives of Vision 2030 and the healthcare sector transformation program, which prioritize preventive healthcare measures and advocate for a health-conscious society, this accomplishment underscores the Kingdom’s commitment to a robust and healthy lifestyle.

The WHO certification acknowledges the implementation of effective trans-fatty acids (TFA) elimination policies and the establishment of stringent monitoring and enforcement systems. By eradicating industrially produced TFAs, specifically partially hydrogenated oils (PHO), Saudi Arabia has not only enhanced the nutritional value of its food products but has also made significant progress in meeting the healthcare sector transformation program’s targets.

These objectives include increasing the average lifespan, reducing the incidence of chronic diseases like cardiovascular illnesses, and ensuring a wholesome and high-quality life for all citizens. In adherence to Vision 2030 and WHO recommendations, SFDA has enacted legislation, including Saudi Technical Regulation No. SFDA.FD 2483, prohibiting the use of partially hydrogenated oils in the food industry, except for those completely naturally sourced and trans fats from animal-sourced foods.

The WHO’s call in May 2023 prompted member states to apply for the inaugural Validation Program for Trans Fat Elimination, with the second session scheduled for the upcoming year. Saudi Arabia’s achievement not only reflects its commitment to global health standards but also serves as a testament to its dedication to fostering a healthier and more vibrant society.

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