Israeli forces torture Palestinian teenager to death


Isreali forces have killed a Palestinian teenager after being tortured near the town of Turmus-Ayya northeast of Ramallah, several Palestinian news outlets report.

The Palestinian health ministry reported that Amer Abedalrahim Snobar arrived at the hospital after being “severely beaten on the neck”.

“There were visible signs of beatings on Snobar’s neck,” Bitawi said.

The medical centre reported that the injuries to Snobar’s neck were consistent with being beaten with the butts of Israeli soldiers’ rifles.

In a statement, the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) accused Israeli troops of “a monstrous act of brutality against a defenceless young man whose only crime was being Palestinian”.

Senior PLO official Hanan Ashrawi said in the statement that Sanouber had been “bludgeoned” by Israeli troops.

Snobar hailed from the village of Yatma, south of the occupied West Bank city of Nablus.

Members of a medical NGO team told local Palestinian news outlets they tried to perform cardiac resuscitation on Snobar before transferring him to the medical centre.

Israel’s army said troops responded to an incident north of Ramallah after rocks were hurled at an army vehicle.

“Troops in the area were dispatched to the scene and searched the area for assailants” the army statement reads.

“Initial details suggest that upon the arrival of the troops… the two suspects tried to escape by foot,” it says.

“While fleeing, one of the suspects apparently lost consciousness, collapsed and hit his head. The suspect was not beaten by IDF troops,” it adds.

In a statement, the leftist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) said Snobar’s murder will be a “curse that will continue to haunt Arab traitors” – in reference to the recent normalisation deals by the United Arab Emirates, Bahrain, and Sudan.

“The response to this heinous crime is to withdraw the recognition of the Zionist entity and all agreements that resulted from it, and the formation of a unified national leadership capable of leading popular resistance against the Zionist occupation,” the statement says.

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