Women, Money and Sexual Energy – Turbocharge Your Dreams and Creations


By Dr Elsbeth Meuth

Did you know that money and sexual energy are related? This concept is widely unknown and may be unbelievable. But it’s true! And what’s even better is that you can learn to channel your sexual energy into your money-making endeavors.

For most of us, sexual energy is used for two things: experiencing pleasure in the bedroom and making babies. However, our sexual energy has a great capacity to help fuel any creative endeavor we have for our lives. We consider sexual energy to be “life force energy;” the very energy that created us all. This energy is the source of all things creative, fueling whatever we do whether we realize it or not.

For women, reawakening life force energy, a.k.a. “feminine essence,” is essential for allowing more abundance and money to flow into their lives. The unfortunate thing is that women’s sexual energy has been vilified for millennia causing them to shut down their feminine essence. For example, shaming a girl for experiencing her first menses, judging any sexual feelings as wrong or considering a woman impure having had sex before marriage are all ways in which feminine sexual expression has been repressed. Starting to bring awareness to this conditioning is the first step in the reawakening to a woman’s Goddess-given sensuous flow.

1. How to connect with your Goddess-given Sensuous flow

Place two hands on your belly, one on top of the other. Notice where your breath is. If you’re like most people, your breath is quite shallow, moving mostly through your chest. Now, try to take three deep breaths into your belly. Observe the rise and fall of your belly as you do this. Try to go as slow as possible without rushing. Then notice how you feel?

Most likely your mind calmed down and you feel more present. Breathing into the belly activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which releases endorphins and melatonin causing us to relax and feel good.

2. How to use the conscious breath to circulate your aroused sensuous energy:

Once you accessed the level of conscious breath awareness you can start using the flow of your breath to circulate your aroused sexual energy.

For example, when we start to feel aroused, instead of trying to either shut it down or act on it, we can start to breathe this wonderful lushes energy from our sexual o into the heart center and the rest of our body. We can allow the pleasure energy to imbue our physical, emotional and spiritual being. From there, we can practice directing that life-giving sensuous nectar into a creative endeavor, like enlivening our relationship, creating a career or bringing the flow of money into our life.

Many of us have negative beliefs around money such as, “there is never enough,” or “money is bad,” or “I don’t deserve to have a lot of money.” Just like our negative beliefs about sexuality, these beliefs about money have been ingrained in us from an early age. By practicing conscious breathing, we can start to observe these beliefs instead of giving into them.

3. How to become present to yourself in this moment:

As you observe your breath, start to notice any sensations in your body. Any tension in your shoulders or neck? Or a warm sensation on your limbs? Can you feel a tingling in your palms? Notice what thoughts are going through your mind. Are you worrying about not experiencing that high feeling that you are so yearning for? Or you are lamenting to yourself of being all alone? Perhaps you go off into some fantasy? These are all states of not being here right now in the present moment with yourself.

Try to notice these sensations and thoughts without judging them or trying to make them go away. Just keep breathing into your belly so you can become present and connected to our inner flow of ease.

4. How to be in your inner flow allows attracting what you want:

Reconnecting with your inner flow in the present moment without distracting yourself allows to attract the energy that matches your flow. The more we are able to be in our conscious breath while witnessing our thoughts and feelings, we become more connected with that vibration of what we want – money, love, joy, bliss!

From there we become more intentional and can make clear decisions on how to move forward to create our life. Also, as we shift our energy, we begin attracting more people and situations that are in alignment with what we really want. Imagine being that much in control of your own destiny!

When these awareness practices are coupled with our sexual life-giving energy, we can turbocharge any creative endeavor we wish to pursue! Energetic blocks get cleared while dreams become a moment by moment feeling state that allows us to be connected to inner and outer vibrations of attracting what we want.

Keep connecting with your life force sexual energy, your witness state of mind and dancing in the flow of abundance!

Dr. Elsbeth Meuth is the co-author of “Sexual Enlightenment: How to Create Lasting Fulfillment in Life, Love and Intimacy.” She is the co-founder and director of the TantraNova Institute in Chicago offering workshop retreats throughout North America, Europe and Australia. She co-produced the bestselling DVD Series Creating Intimacy & Love and was featured on Showtime’s documentary series Sexual Healing and the Emmy Award-winning NBC show Starting Over.

Over the past decade, Elsbeth and her partner Freddy Zental have assisted thousands of couples and singles rekindle or expand their intimate and love life.

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