Parkchester Times
Bronx, New York – Like Bronx itself in the last two decades, Parkchester’s quality of life has markedly improved. This improvement has attracted residential and entrepreneurs back to Parkchester after years of business and middle class exodus.
Due to gentrifications and commuting convenience, diverse young couples and recent graduates have been moving to Parkchester in great numbers, joining the proud and middle class immigrant families who have been making similar moves since the eighties.
Against this backdrop, we are excited to inform you of a new addition to this growing and vibrant Parkchester business environment, the Parkchester Times. Parkchester Times, unlike other Newspapers, is a Parkchester based newspaper founded by long term residents to serve the residents and businesses in Parkchester, primarily. “We lived, worked and raised college-bound children in Parkchester. To us, it’s one of the best places in the Bronx to do the three.” Said Mrs. Shireena Drammeh, co-founder and principal of Islamic Leadership School.
Journalists, advertisers, investors, writers, interns, videographers, Newspapers dropping venues, and volunteers are welcome.
So we’re happy to invite folks to send us their press releases, activities, announcements, celebrations, community and religious events beneficial to Parkchester community or are taking place the neighborhood. We would equally be honored to receive your messages of encouragement/support.
The maiden issue will come out on Friday, March 2, 2018 and shall be distributed at the luncheon ceremony party to be held in the evening of same day.
For further information about PT, please contact us at 718-822-5555 or visit our website later at: (under construction). Thank you!