As Salamu Alaikum my Muslim brothers and sisters:




New York City, New York- We all know that the fastest and sturdiest elevator to success and independence is knowledge; religious and secular. We know that the first commandment for Muslims (men and women) is to acquire knowledge. We know that there are knowledgeable Muslims who have positively contributed to our human progress. Yet, we also know that to date, there are many quarters in the Muslim world where education, especially secular ones, has not been given the priority it deserves. As a matter of fact there are places in the Muslim world today where secular education is not taking place at all, and unfortunately these places are among the poorest places in the world.

Against this backdrop, we’ve launched a universal educational campaign for the Muslim world this week. We are in the process of developing a curriculum to be implemented by all schools in the Muslim world. Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics, Democracy, Unity, and Peace (STEMDUP) curriculum incorporates important secular as well as Islamic values subjects for all grades.

In sha Allah, in the coming weeks and months when we have completed the STEMDUP curriculum development, a highly focused campaign will be launched in Muslim nations in collaboration with our respective governments.  Please help us spread the message and be our partners in your localities.  Thank you!

For further information about STEMDUP, please go to:

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