Robert and Grace Mugabe get dismissed from the Zimbabwe ruling party


It had earlier been reported that the ZANU-PF leaders, the Zimbabwe ruling party, would hold a meeting on Sunday to discuss President Robert Mugabe and Grace Mugabe’s fate. On the scheduled day, the meeting was held and the committee expelled the couple from the party.

Amid thousands of Zimbabweans that filled the Harare roads in demonstrations on Sunday, holding posters that read ‘Mugabe must go’, the party leaders sat to make a final decision regarding Mugabe and for the betterment of Zimbabwe.

The decision follows the critical situation in Zimbabwe where the military took over the capital, Harare, last week, and have since then kept the President under house arrest. Mr. Mugabe only made his first public appearance when he attended a graduation ceremony in one of the Universities in Harare.

Before the meeting commenced, the head of the liberation and war veterans, Chris Mutsvangwa informed journalists that Mugabe had run out of time, and that he was trying to bargain on his dignified leaving.

‘We are going all the way, Mutsvangwa said, ‘He’s trying to bargain for a dignified exit.’

At the meeting that Mugabe also attended in person, President Robert Gabriel Mugabe, the only President Zimbabwe has known since 1980, was expelled from being the party’s leader.

The ZANU-PF party leaders replaced Mugabe with Emmerson Mnangagwa, his former Vice President whom he sacked from his post a few weeks ago.

The party also advised Mugabe to resign from his post as President of Zimbabwe, with the dignity he seeks otherwise, he would face impeachment.

Mr. Mugabe was given until Monday noon as his resigning deadline, if not, the impeachment procedures would begin in parliament on Tuesday, to have him off the Presidential seat.

On the other hand, Grace Mugabe, the 52 year old First Lady, was also dismissed from the party on accusations of preaching hatred, divisiveness and assuming roles and powers not delegated to the office.

Phelekezela Mphoko, Zimbabwe’s second Vice President was too expelled from the ZANU-PF party under accusations of hiding and protecting criminals in the ZANU-PF party.

Mphoko was removed from his position as second secretary of ZANU-PF by the party’s Central Committee, but still stands as the second Vice President.











Reporter: Shamilah Namuddu

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