WHO reverses Mugabe’s appointment after numerous criticisms


The World Health Organization’s (WHO) first African Director General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stripped off Robert Mugabe’s goodwill ambassadorship few days after his announcement.

The director stated that Mugabe’s nullification of his new post was forced by several critics that he and the Organization (WHO) have received from different organizations since the announcement of Mugabe as the ambassador.

‘Over the last few days, I have reflected on my appointment of H.E. President Robert Mugabe as WHO Goodwill Ambassador for NCDs in Africa. As a result I have decided to rescind the appointment,’ Dr Ghebreyesus said in a statement on Sunday.

‘I have also consulted with the Government of Zimbabwe and we have concluded that this decision is in the best interests of the World Health Organization,’ he added.

‘It is my aim to build a worldwide movement for global health. This movement must work for everyone and include everyone,’ Tedros further noted.

Mugabe was announced by the WHO director early this week during a conference in Uruguay.

The 93 year old President of Zimbabwe had been expected to influence his peers tackling non-communicable diseases like heart attacks, asthma and strokes across Africa.

Following his reason, Dr. Ghebreyesus had stated that he had found favor in Zimbabwe because of the country’s zeal towards health issues and puts health promotions at the centre of its policies.

An unfortunate case for Mugabe, different people from different strong organizations around the world termed his appointment as disappointing, unacceptable, laughable among others and so sought for its nullification.

Robert Gabriel Mugabe has been described as a president that has caused all kinds of misery in his country in concerns to human rights. He has also been regarded as a peace violator.

Following Mugabe’s health condition which according to some people is not promising, the President himself and his family are always flown out of the country every time they need medical attention.

According to the main opposition party in Zimbabwe (MDC), Mugabe’s government spends much money on his transportation out of the country for medical routines – as they call it, than any other thing in the country.

The Zimbabwe President is therefore held responsible of ruining the country’s health system.

It is so reported that the people in Zimbabwe are often forced to buy necessary drugs for and by themselves before going to the hospitals to seek medical treatment.













 Reporter: Shamilah Namuddu

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