Somalia’s President to announce a ‘state of war’ in the country, America steps forward to sell weapons


After the number of the dead hitting 358, the President of Somalia according to the sources is planning on announcing a ‘state of war’ against the Al-shabab militants in Somalia.

Saturday 14 October, 2017, a strong bomb blast, one that hasn’t been heard in years according to the witnesses in Somalia happened in the East African country. Quite a number dead, several injured and dozens still missing

As earlier reported by Abdu Nour, a police officer that was in the area at the time the tragedy happened that the death toll would surely rise, it has so earlier been reported that the death number hit 358.

Mohammed Abdillahi Mohammed, the President of Somalia is soon expected to will declare a state of war against the violators of peace (Al-shabab) – explained a military official on Friday.

The official also explained that the country is expecting sophisticated weapon from the United States of America’s President, Donald Trump, in a bid to fight the Al-Shabab militants.

He added that America is going to deploy thousands of troops in Somalia to help drive out the violators from their strongholds of Lower Shabelle and Middle Shabelle regions where many deadly attacks have been launched.

Somalia’s Information Minister, Abdirahman Osman informed that 56 were still out of seen, another 228 people were wounded and 122 people had been flown out of the country for treatment in countries like; Kenya, Sudan and Turkey.

The situation has created painful memories in the lives of many Somali people and one of the scholars was reported on Friday preaching in the congregational prayer saying that, the pain would last in their hearts for years.

“This pain will last for years,” he said.

However, since the blast on Saturday up until now, the Al-shabab group hasn’t stepped out to claim responsibility as they always have been doing.

The bomb according to the security officials weighed between 600 and 800 kilograms.












Reporter: Shamilah Namuddu

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