Hindus and Muslims rescue accident victims, put differences aside


Hindus and Muslims in India have been on the egde of conflict. The recent accident that occurred in the area has indicated the existence of love between the two religions. Reports confirmed that 14 coaches of Kalinga Utkal Express was derailed on Saturday. This accident was said to have occurred at the Hindu-dominated Jagat colony. However, on the other side is Nai Abaadi colony, which predominantly houses Muslim population.

Further more, ever since riots broke out in Muzaffarnagar in 2013, tension between the two communities here has been palpable. However, Saturday’s tragedy, which claimed 22 lives and left 203 injured, brought the two communities together, with both Hindus and Muslims scrambling to carry out the rescue works, much before the rescue team arrived.

In confirmation of this kind gestures, one of the rescuers, Ranbir Singh, a Jagat colony resident explained that it was the first time both religions have come together peacefully to help one another:
“Everyone knows that the relations between the two communities have been strained. There have been a few incidents in the past which could be termed communal, especially before and after the Muzaffarnagar riots. Skirmishes are reported every now and then, but on the whole, we avoided each other. However, Saturday evening was different. Everyone came together to rescue the injured passengers.”

He further explained that the two parties are residents of the two sides of the track which made it easier for them to come together:
“Most of the Muslims that stay in Nai Abaadi colony work as labourers in nearby factories. So, it was in a way easy for them to break open the doors and windows of the mangled bogies to rescue passengers. But yes, members from both the communities came together in rescuing the accident victims.”

History reveals that India is one of the most populous nations in the world, India is also one of the most religiously and ethnically diverse. Islam and Hinduism are the main religions in India, however, and the two have had a very long and sometimes violent coexistence. This violence is recently being tackled by many peace non governmental organisations for peace sustainability.

Also, Muslims and Hindus, have been in conflict for hundreds of years. Their feelings of mistrust and hatred for each other are embedded in all those years and will not leave easily. What’s most disturbing is that there seems to be no plan for reconciliation available. But the recent incident has shown that there is a large room for reconciliation.

Both parties have shown love to one another in this recent incident. Reports confirmed that the train consisted of the Hindus but the Muslims in the area didn’t hesitate to rescue them despite the conflict existing between them.

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