Zimbabwe honors Mugabe, declares his birthday public holiday


Yesterday, Zimbabwe announced that Robert Mugabe’s birthday, is to be a national celebration and declared a public holiday as well, with effect from 21 February 2018, when Mugabe’s birthday is due.

This again is added to the roads: one of the main streets in Zimbabwe’s capital Harare, and a high way to Mugabe’s rural home that are also named after the president.

The government’s school of intelligence (named after Robert Mugabe), the recently announced Robert Mugabe University to be built plus now his birthday declared a public day, are some of all that the government of Zimbabwe does in love of President Robert Gabriel Mugabe.

The announcement was made on Friday by Ignatius Chombo, the Home Affairs Minister, who was addressing a press conference in Harare, Zimbabwe.

The Home Affairs Minister also informed that the issue had been already agreed upon and approved by the cabinet earlier on Wednesday.

“This press conference has been called for to publically announce the designation of 21st February as a national public holiday, which as has been decided, shall be called the Robert Gabriel Mugabe National Youth Day. This is with effect from 21st February 2018,” Chombo informed.

“In the declaration of this day, we would like to highlight to our youths the values and principles so brilliantly displayed by President Robert Gabriel Mugabe which have resulted in an exemplary life that our youths can emulate,” Home Affairs Minister Ignatius Chombo was quoted as saying.

It was also reported that according to Chombo’s words, the cabinet of Zimbabwe would also wish to have the airport changed to Robert Mugabe’s name.

Robert Mugabe, the 93 year currently old Zimbabwe President, has been the only President Zimbabwe has ever had since gaining independence from the British.

Despite his age and reported deteriorating health, Mugabe is already in to campaigns seeking for presidency in the 2018 general election to be held in Zimbabwe.

However, the opposition parties are fighting with all the possibilities to have him over thrown and pulled off the seat.






Correspondent: Shamirah Namuddu

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