Striking nurses in Kenya vow not to vote for Uhuru Kenyatta come August 8


Nurses in Samburu threatened in a matching strike to vote the President Uhuru Kenyatta out of office on August 8 2017.

Early this Saturday, nurses matched to Governor Moses Lenolkulal’s offices and the County Health department offices to present a petition for their Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) to be signed and implemented, if not, then they would withdraw their support off Kenyatta.

Halima Letruwai, the nurses’ spokesperson raised a concern that the State is silent while Kenyans loose their lives due to lack of medical services.

“Even the beyond zero is no longer zero. The mortality rate is rising, mothers are delivering at home, newborns are dying yet the government is silent on the suffering of Kenyans,” said Halima.

“What is priority to them is their campaigns and we are telling them, come August 8, if you are not going to solve this, we are going to show you the way,” James Longonjine, the organizing secretary added his voice to the nurses’.

Nurses have accused the Salaries and Renumeration Commission and the Council of Governors of frustrating them.

“If it were the rich who were suffering, the government would have immediately come on board, but they ignore the poor because they have nothing to offer,” said Longonjine.

Nurses downed their tools on June 5 over a pay dispute with the employer and the implementation of their CBA.

Unfortunately, the matter has since then not been resolved and nurses are also not ready to stop striking until it is considered.

Taking it further, they decided to turn their backs on President Kenyatta who is running for president in the August 8 elections.











Reporter: Shamilah Namuddu

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