Dear Beauty Slaves.


Please stop the madness of unnecessary medical and cosmetic procedures on your naturally customized bodies. Unnecessary body parts’ augmentations, reductions and reshaping are signs of mental disorders and low self-esteem. If you doing them for the public enjoyment, then you’re free, brainless billboards. If you’re doing them for loved ones who expressed their love of different body parts than yours, be self-loving enough to tell them there are millions of their desired types that they can shop from, and get the hell out of your lives.

Seriously, we should not minimize the fact that all the components of our bodies are custom-retrofitted perfectly. So the additions, subtractions, coloring and reshaping are school homework not bodywork.

I’m writing this because I’m sick and tired of seeing too many young women in New York continue to die from unnecessary breasts and derrieres augmentation procedures overseas. Whereas in other places my people spend their hard earned and limited resources to Michael Jackson and Sammy Sosa themselves.  Love yourselves enough to keep your natural bodies in healthy shape and freshly cleaned without foreign elements.

Now forget about all other advices and follow my twelve living principals and thank me when you celebrate your 90th birthday. BRONXATTITUDE! #bronxattitude

  1. Live right.
  2. Eat right.
  3. Sleep right.
  4. Rest right.
  5. Work right.
  6. Personality right.
  7. Hygiene right
  8. Exercise right.
  9. Think right.
  10. Love right.
  11. Follow right.
  12. Associate right.


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