Controversies as Ivanka Trump, the president’s daughter took seat for father in world meeting


The trump family is in the news again. It’s Ivanka Trump, the President’ s daughter, this time. Ivanka has been spotted to be seating in for the President whenever Father Steps out to attend to other needs. This idea was not welcomed by some opinionists, and has a matter of urgency been trashed.

According to a report on Ibtimes, “The 35-year-old first daughter sat at the back of the room during Saturday’s (8 July) working group on African Migration as President Donald Trump took his seat, but when he left for bi-lateral talks, Ivanka assumed his place.”

This action, according to the report has caused a stirring controversy among people. Many regard this as unethical and uncalled for. Reacting to this, “Charles Blow, a New York Times columnist, wrote on Twitter: “Why the hell is Ivanka Trump sitting in for daddy at G20 meetings? What are her qualifications? Who voted for her?”

Next to Charles Blow’s remarks was the boot from Brain Klaas. Brian Klaas, who is a fellow at the London School of Economics’ government department, wrote: “Ivanka Trump, unelected, unqualified, daughter-in-chief is representing the US at the G20 summit next to May, Xi, Merkel.”

Ibtimes confirmed the irritation, as felt by people in their report, revealing that commentators were not in anyway against having someone else replace the president. But, the care for raising eye brow is why a family member was alternative.

“Although Ivanka serves as an unpaid adviser and assistant to the president, many were furious at her joining the table.”

“Other world leaders were also occasionally replaced by staff as they participated in other meetings, but many felt that a family member – despite the unofficial role – was a step too far,” Ibtimes noted.

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