Japan prepares citizens for North Korea’s potential attacks


A nationwide television broadcast in Japan advised civilians’ practical tips on how to protect themselves in the event of North Korean missile attack.

The Japanese government on Monday June 26, 2017 has created a broadcast aired by 43 television stations across the country between now and early Japan and written instructions were also published in nearly 70 newspapers, according to Kyodo News the official news channel.

The government recommended the residents the most effective ways to seek protection if a missile is directed to Japan by North Korea.

According to some government officials, it is also confirmed that in the event of missile attack, the government satellite based J-Alert public warning system would inform members and then those members officially announced it publicly through speakers.

After the government announced that news via media, tension and restlessness aroused among the people.

Recently Japanese government told regional authorities and also issued guidelines to the public memorizing the event of Second World War in which Japan was victimized and guided them how to survive after the war.

Prime Minister of Japan Shinzo Abe said,“North Korea may have the capabilities to deliver missiles equipped with sarin nerve gas to Japan.”

However, the relationship between Japan and Korea shared the history of conflicts and disputes dating back near to two Millennia. After the division of Korea, the air of distrust increased.

That announcement came up to scene due to rapid increase of North Korean missile tests.




Correspondent: Syeda Faiza Bukhari

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