Kuwait attempts mediating between Qatar and Saudi cum UAE

Kuwait being a strong Gulf state tried to reconcile the diplomatic cut ties between Saudi Arabia and Qatar in Gulf Cooperation Conference.

The Emir of Kuwait, Sheikh Sabah Al Ahmad Al Sabah who tries all his efforts to resolve the current crisis among Gulf States vows that this dramatic surge of fume conflict leads towards undesirable consequences. He quoted to Kuwait’s News Agency on Monday; he said that it is very difficult for him to see the division among GCC member states.

Per Al-Jazeera, he said, “I lived the first moments of building the GCC and this is why I cannot stand silent without trying to mediate for the reapproachment among the brothers. It is a duty that I cannot walk away from. No matter how difficult the efforts, I will do my best to mediate among the brothers.”

Emir went to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Qatar to resolve the issue. He is trying to bring out the positive solution of this diplomatic crisis.

Qatar’s Foreign Minister Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdul Rehman Al-Thani told CNN, “We are willing to sit and talk.” He added, “The only hope is Kuwait, it would resolve the issue.”

The Foreign Minister of UAE, Anwar Gargash tweeted, “After the effort to Internationalize the crisis with its brothers, after drumming up its media and screaming it is oppressed, our brother will soon realize the solution is Riyadh and at Salman.” This statement is the reaction of Qatar’s Foreign Minister said in his statement that the aim was clear, and it was to impose guardianship on the state. That by itself was a violation of its sovereignty as a state.

Prime Minister of Pakistan Mian Muhammad Nawaz Sharief has arrived Jeddah for the “consultation” with KSA and Qatar. He has equally good relations with Saudi and Qatari royal families. He addresses the “emergent situation among the Gulf Cooperation Council countries.”

During this difficult situation of Qatar whole Muslim Ummah tries to resolve this cleavage. Qatar is facing economic and social crisis. Liquidity in the country’s banking sector has already been “severely impacted by falling oil prices. Economists said that the economy of Qatar is at alarming end. The Emir of Kuwait is trying all his efforts to join them back.

Correspondent: Syeda Faiza Bukhari